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        Anti-Scratch Oil Sand Glass Frosting Powder

        來(lái)源: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-05-11


        1. The frosted glass has strong graininess and good refractive index. It has obvious flashing effect in the natural light, and it is even more glittering in the lamplight.

        2. Obvious aperture effect under the point light source.

        3. After the black paint is baked on the back of the glass, the glitter of the sand surface is more prominent.

        4. The glass sand surface is not easy to scratch.

        5. The glass sand surface is shiny and not easy to get dirty.

        III. Applications:

        1. Furniture glass panel;

        2. Cabinet glass panel;

        3. Engineering glass;

        4. Hot pot countertop;

        5. Other special occasions.



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