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        Water-Soluble Baking Paint for Chrome Mirror

        來(lái)源: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-10-21

        Characteristics: This one component water-soluble paint is of strong adhesion, water resistance, acid and alkali resistance, salt 

        resistance and ethanol tolerance. It can be diluted with purified water, which is economical and environmental. The 

        paint film is formed after baking at high temperature and it is usually matt. 

        Colors: Gray, blue, iron red, etc.

        Operation methods: Diluted with purified water; curtain coating, brush coating, or spraying.

           Scope of application: Chrome mirror.

        Drying conditions: Baking at 180℃ for 15-40min.

        Physical and chemical indicators:

        ① No discoloration, shedding or fading after baking in 5% sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for 48 hrs;

        ② No discoloration, shedding or fading after soaking in 5% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 48 hrs ;

        ③ No discoloration, shedding, or fading after the 188-hour salt spray test;

        ④ No discoloration, shedding, or fading in boiling water for 8 hrs.

        ⑤ The dyne level of the paint film can reach 40.

        圖片 6.png

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