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        Tempered Glass Enamel for Sunroofs

        來源: 發(fā)布時間:2020-11-13

        Features: This product is water-soluble, so you can wash the halftone, tools and equipment directly with water. It is characterized by the following properties: great surface finish, good color saturation and strong hiding power.

        Colors: Black, matte black.

        The lead and cadmium free series meets the RoHS2.0, REACH and Halogen requirements.

        Scope of application: Automotive sunroof tempered glass which has the ball drop test requirements.

        Solid content: 78±3%      

        Fineness: ≤13μm   

        Viscosity: 400±100dPa.s/25±3℃ (RION viscometer VT-04F)

        Screen printing conditions: 180-250 mesh

        Screen printing temperature/humidity: 25±2℃/50±10%

        Screen printing thickness: 20-25μm 

        Expansion coefficient: 6.5-9.5×10ˉ?/℃

        Drying conditions: 150-180℃/3-5 min

        Sintering temperature: 650-730℃/3-8 min

        Note: Related to the heating rate and holding time.

        Sintering atmosphere: Neutral or weak oxidizing atmosphere

        Acid resistance: 72h@0.1N H2SO4/80℃

        Alkali resistance: Grade 2-1

        Shelf life: 12 months (room temperature)


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